The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Journal 2024-05-01T14:34:28-07:00 The OTESSA Journal Editorial Team Open Journal Systems <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The <em>Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association</em> (OTESSA) <em>Journal</em> is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes papers on all aspects of educational technology, including online learning, technology-mediated learning, social media, open education, digital and open scholarship, emerging technologies for learning or research, and other topics or interdisciplinary ways in which technology and society intersect.</span></p> Technology-Integrated Assessment: A Literature Review 2024-05-01T14:34:28-07:00 Colin Madland Valerie Irvine Chris DeLuca Okan Bulut <p>The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of the scholarly literature between 2016 and 2023 on the impact of classroom technology on higher education instructors’ assessment practices through the lens of the assessment design in a digital world framework (Bearman et al., 2022). Specifically, the paper focuses on (a) describing the assessment design in a digital world framework, (b) identifying the scope and breadth of the literature relating to technology-integrated assessment, and (c) highlighting any gaps between the Bearman et al. model and the literature. This paper marks an important step in extending our understanding of the factors influencing instructors who integrate technology into their assessment practice and promoting ethical and equitable approaches to technology-integrated assessment in higher education.</p> 2024-05-01T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Colin Madland, Valerie Irvine, Chris DeLuca, Okan Bulut Developing the Technology-Integrated Assessment Framework 2024-05-01T14:34:25-07:00 Colin Madland Valerie Irvine Chris DeLuca Okan Bulut <p>The purpose of this paper is to describe the development of a new framework for understanding technology-integrated assessment in higher education based on a review of the literature using the assessment design in a digital world framework (Bearman et al., 2022) as a lens. Our review (Madland et al., 2024) revealed both congruities and incongruities between the literature and the framework, leading to the need for further work to accurately conceptualize technology-integrated assessment. In this article, we contribute to the literature on technology-integrated assessment in higher education by proposing the technology-integrated assessment framework. This paper marks an important step in extending our understanding of the factors influencing instructors who integrate technology into their assessment practice and promoting ethical and equitable approaches to technology-integrated assessment in higher education.</p> 2024-05-01T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Colin Madland, Valerie Irvine, Chris DeLuca, Okan Bulut Generative AI Adoption in Postsecondary Education, AI Hype, and ChatGPT’s Launch 2024-01-25T16:57:28-08:00 Isabel Pedersen <p>The rapid integration of generative artificial intelligence (AI) into postsecondary education and many other sectors resulted in a global reckoning with this new technology. This paper contributes to the study of the multifaceted influence of generative AI, with a particular focus on OpenAI's ChatGPT within academic settings during the first six months after the release in three specific ways. First, it scrutinizes the rise of ChatGPT as a transformative event construed through a study of mainstream discourses exhibiting AI hype. Second, it discusses the perceived implications of generative AI for writing, teaching, and learning through the lens of critical discourse analysis and critical AI studies. Third, it encourages the necessity for best practices in the adoption of generative AI technologies in education.</p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Isabel Pedersen