Open Educational Practices in Postsecondary Education in French-speaking Minority Context in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities for Linguistic Equity




open education, open educational practices, francophonie, higher education, linguistic minorities


This qualitative study explores the current teaching practices of professors, librarians and lecturers in postsecondary education in French-speaking minority context and how these practices correspond or not to open educational practices (OEP). We explore this subject from the perspective of social justice and equity issues facing Francophone’s minority communities in Canada, that is, francophones who live in French outside the province of Quebec. These equity issues include the lack of access to postsecondary teaching resources in French, courses and programs, both online and offline.

Our pan-Canadian data collection by questionnaire allowed us to reach 68 participants from eight provinces. The results reveal limited knowledge and applications of OEPs in postsecondary education, a lack of resources in French to support OEPs and a recognition of the significant potential of OEPs in postsecondary education in French-speaking minority communities. The reuse and sharing of content mentioned by respondents constitute the most applied open approaches, but the data tells us that the practices are mainly ad hoc and that they do not necessarily apply open practices throughout the teaching process and learning. A collective reflection and concrete actions are needed to highlight the potential to openly create and share educational resources and practices by and for this community to promote inclusion and equity. We recommend the creation of open educational resources for and by the communities and a national awareness campaign among educators from experts in the field as first steps.


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How to Cite

Lachaîne, C., & Cotnam-Kappel, M. (2023). Open Educational Practices in Postsecondary Education in French-speaking Minority Context in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities for Linguistic Equity. The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Journal, 3(2), 1–19.



Research Articles